Provider of poultry keeping courses, copy writer, product development

It has been interesting, and massive fun to work with poultry nutrition, feed and maintenance companies to develop their product ranges. I have tested and reviewed poultry products, and written copy for sales literature and websites.
I am also available to speak to groups, such as SQPs/RAMAs, companies, schools, Brownies, Guides, the WI and charities, especially animal rescue charities, in order to give a basic overview of life with chickens including their care and maintenance.
I regularly work with videographers, to shoot videos for poultry supply outlets and poultry nutrition and hygiene companies. My love of chickens has inspired me to create my YouTube channel, and the Chicken Channel, where I show the best chickens in the country on display at the year's finest poultry shows.
I have been very fortunate to have consulted with one of the country’s leading poultry vets, increasing my knowledge of the physiology and ailments of chickens. I share this knowledge in my courses and presentations.
Please contact me regarding the development of projects, product reviews, speaking engagements or articles. I look forward to working with you.​​​
NETTEX Poultry
Nettex, a division of Rumenco, which offers a comprehensive range of quality UK manufactured animal health, performance and nutrition products. I worked with them on the development of their poultry range, and am continuing to assist them with new ranges, product tweaks and answering customer queries on their behalf. We’ve recently finished filming a new series of videos to cover the re-launch of the chicken keeping range.

​I am now accredited by AMTRA (Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority) on my Advanced Courses which give 20 CPD points to attendees.
This will be for my current day courses, I have also produced webinars for them so that RAMAs and SQPs can learn online.

Natural Animal Feeds (NAF)
Some years ago, I helped NAF with the formulation and launch of their Life-Guard poultry tonic and new avian range. Providing a review and copy for their Life-Guard brochure, editorial for various trade magazines whilst also answering queries for their customers.
I really enjoyed the advanced course in August! There was so much fantastic information I realised I needed to do it all again as soon as possible! I’ll get my booking sorted online and see you in February!