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Sizes and prices: 300g shaker - £9.30


Postage: £3.90 when shipped on its own


Product description: Nettex's Buz Busters Louse Powder works in partnership with their Total Mite Kill (pink) Spray to provide a complete solution to red mites, lice and poultry mites in your coop.


  • Kills red mites, lice and other crawling insects
  • Contains Permethrin.


Directions: For effective removal of red mites, a weekly programme is advised as below:


  • Remove all faeces, dry matter and bedding. Thoroughly clean out the coop with soap and water, use Nettex Virocur Disinfectant - DEFRA approved effective against diseases in poultry - for a deeper clean if necessary


  • Spray the entire inside of the coop with Nettex Total Mite Kill Ready to Use Solution - this will disinfect as well as eradicate mites. This product contains a coating agent which will continue to kill the mites even after it has dried – therefore always shake the product before each use. Always ventilate treated areas and allow them to dry fully (they dry very quickly) before sprinkling the interior of the coop with Buz Busters Louse Powder, working it into all the crannies


  • If you have an infestation, then follow this routine every 3 days until they’ve been knocked back, then revert to using weekly to prevent their return.


  • Never use Buz Busters directly on the birds – it is for application to housing only.


Clare’s comment:  This is an unrivalled weapon in the war against red mites and also lice and mites which live on your birds and may also proliferate in the coop. Combined with their Total Mite Kill RTU spray, it’s regular use will eradicate and prevent the return of red mites, while also helping with any lice which may be living on your birds.


Ingredients: Permethrin


Nettex's Buz Busters Louse Powder 300g

  • For more information click here and scroll to the bottom of the Shop page.

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