Sizes and prices: 2kg tub - £14.99, 5kg tub - £24.99
Postage: 2kg £3.90 when shipped on its own, 5kg £7.00 when shipped on its own
Product description: This excellent product will work to kill off bacteria, pathogens and parasites in your run litter. It is scented with Citronella oil to deter flies in the summer.
Ground sanitising powder is an easy-to-use product that will help to prevent your hens from getting worms and other parasites. When sprinkled in your coop and run it will help to eliminate all stages of intestinal worm eggs, and larvae at ground level. It will absorb moisture from faeces and organic matter, preventing the build-up and maturing of parasite eggs. This will reduce the opportunity for worm infestation as birds will ingest fewer eggs or larvae, resulting in lower worm populations in the bird's gut.
Agrisec 250 PLUS is a new generation ground sanitiser which absorbs moisture in the run litter and also contains Halamid; a DEFRA arroved disinfectant
Directions: This product should be sprinkled each week on the litter in your run and under the roosting bars in the coop, ensuring a light coating is visible. The powder should be applied liberally where faeces and organic matter are prevalent. It should also be used when giving the run a complete muck-out – sprinkle on the slabs before laying fresh bedding.
Clare’s comment: An effective ground sanitising powder is a total game-changer in terms of reducing the pong level in a run, and keeping it hygienic especially during Avian Influenza lockdowns, when our birds are confined to the run.
Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Halamid disinfectant, natural Kaolinic clay, Dried algae, Citronella Oil, Yucca Schidigera.
Agrisec 250 PLUS Ground Sanitising Powder, 2kg & 5kg
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